We communicate effectively by investing ourselves in your product and market to reach every participant involved and gain their trust.


Constantly balancing between  the limits of legal restrictions and creativity is an inspiring challenge for the happy few like us. This aspect does not prevent us from making healthcare and pharmaceutical advertising less creative or less vivid… on the contrary, it works bedazzling.



For every campaign enrolled on a European or global scale, we need to take into account the legal restrictions per country.


Nevertheless the impact of the project may never be compromised. Consequently it is important that the stragegy is well-balanced and applicable for every patient and his physician no matter the country. Therefore we align the "tone of voice" by proposing campaigns from a patient centric view.

Thinking out-of-the box while complying to regulatory and medical limited boundaries. By communicating to the right actors through the appropriate channels by means of a selected mix of  online, offline, cross-over, digital, video and traditional media...


Reaching your target and address your GPs, Specialists, Hospitals, Pharmacists, Patients and Public using original and strategic tools.



Use our expertise by

standing out, through fitting in.


Making communication models based on trust to create a greater success rate .


Not taking the easy path but the one that gives the best result.